With the rise of large language models (LLMs), it has become easier to create content with minimal effort, and there is really no excuse to neglect a blog. I have been guilty of this and hence want to explore a transition to a more Notebook-style format for my personal blog (the one you are reading right now).

With a Notebook-style format, I can capture ideas, notes, projects, and musings without worrying about structure or perfection. It will provide a decent digital notebook and a trove of topics, projects, and technologies I have played with.

While just having LLM-generated content for a blog is not going to win any awards or be necessarily insightful, the most important thing is it will help me keep track of my journey and organize my thoughts.

Wanderer above the Sea of Futuristic Megacity

In the past, one of the things that hindered me from posting thoughts, ideas, notes, experiments, or anything at all was my obsessive nature of “getting it right” instead of “getting it done” when it came to my writings here.

I would spend way too much time writing and editing, nitpicking over grammar, reading, and rereading dozens of times. I would try to have a polished thought or essay before publishing, or it didn’t feel like it was useful to the world.

My goal is to move towards a more informal style of blogging, with more focus on the journey and less on the destination. This will also allow me to experiment with different writing styles and structures and hopefully foster a better sense of open curiosity and experimentation.

For the curious – This blog post is about 60-70% generated content using OpenAI’s GPT-3 that I “trained” with earlier blog posts as context for tone/voice hinting. The initial draft was then honed a little more with a good old-fashioned VIM editor.

Happy blogging note-taking!